Monday, April 26, 2010

Spreadsheet Aftermath

Ok so I never thought I would have to use a spreadsheet. I feel like every time I tried they were confusing and hard to work with BUT a few weeks ago we learned how, and it wasnt that bad after I understood why it was doing the things it was!
Im blogging about it now because last week I had to make a grid for my younglife team and I actually used one of the templates we learned about in class!!
I was so proud!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Lives in the Rainforest?

I'm inspired!

I had never even heard of the program "Inspiration 8" until I got to class last week.
It is oh so cool!
It was so easy to use and makes things really easy to organize for students.
I made a diagram about things that live in the rain forest that would apply to a second grade science class. The pictures make the web look really interesting and I'm really happy with the way things turned out!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Digital Camera Stuff!

I've loved reading about camera usage this week in Chapter 7!
I got a SLR about a year ago and i LOVE it! I'm still leaning how to play with it, but I' m really enjoying the things in class that we've been doing!
In interpreting, it wors best to make everything visual, so I feel like this knowledge will be super helpful!

Monday, March 15, 2010